Trees Both Beautiful and Fruitful

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Trees Both Beautiful and Fruitful

"The Lord God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground—trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit."

Genesis 2:9

If God wanted his created beings, including humans, to survive, then he would have to provide some means of nourishment. So the fact that trees produced fruit makes practical sense. We might even argue that God made fruit tasty so that we would eat it for our own good. But the fact that God made trees beautiful reveals that God is more than just practical. He is a God who delights in beauty and who created us with the capacity to enjoy beauty as well.

What comes to mind when you think of physical beauty? How can the enjoyment of physical beauty turn your heart to God?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, in your care for us you provide the nourishment we need to survive. Yet your provision is so much more than bare rations. You give us delicious food and the ability to taste it. Moreover, you fill this world with beauty and enable us to delight in it. May we live this day attentive to the goodness of your creation and filled with gratitude even for your simple gifts to us. Amen.