Waiting and Hoping

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Waiting and Hoping

I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Psalm 130:5-6

Today is the last day of the year. Yes, yes, I know it's the first day of December, and the calendar doesn't change for another month. But, today is the last day of the Christian year (sometimes called the liturgical year or the church year). The yearly cycle of worship, Scripture, and prayer that centers in the life of Jesus is coming to an end. Tomorrow, a new year begins with the season of Advent.

I thought I might focus on Advent in today's reflection so as to help you get ready for observing this four-week season of the year. At the bottom of this reflection, you'll find a number of resources to help you understand and celebrate Advent. You may be especially interested in a new Advent devotional written by my colleagues at Laity Lodge Youth Camp and Laity Lodge Family Camp and me. This devotional guide is meant for gatherings of families and friends, but you can use it on your own if you prefer. If you're interested in this or the other resources, just follow the links at the end of this reflection.

Psalm 130 helps us get ready for Advent by highlighting two of its most profound themes: waiting and hoping. Even as the psalmist waits for the Lord with his whole being, so do we, especially in Advent. We remember the Israelites as they waited for the coming of the Messiah. We also attend to our waiting for the second advent (from the Latin word adventus, which means "coming" or "visit") of Christ, when he will fully and finally usher in the kingdom of God.

As we wait, we do so with hope, just like the writers of Psalm 130. Our hope is not wishful thinking or mindless positivity. Rather, it is based solidly on the word of God, on his revelation in Scripture and on his promises. Thus, our waiting is not dour or desperate. Rather, it is confident and even joyful.

As Advent begins tomorrow, I invite you to join me and millions of other Christians as we wait hopefully on the Lord together. Perhaps there are particular areas of your life in which you are waiting for God to act. Advent is a season to bring those yearnings before God as we get ready to welcome the birth of our Savior.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: Are you waiting on God for anything in particular these days? Are you feeling hopeful? Are you wrestling with despair or discouragement? How do you feel about the beginning of Advent?

PRAYER: Gracious God, as we come to the end of the Christian year, we thank you for your faithfulness in all things. Tomorrow, as Advent begins, may we turn our hearts toward you in a special way. Help us, Lord, to get in touch with our yearning for your kingdom. Revive in us a hope that will not disappoint. May this season of Advent be a time for us to turn toward you, even as we prepare our hearts for your coming to be among us in the Word Incarnate. Amen.


Advent Devotional Guide from Laity Lodge Youth Camp and Laity Lodge Family Camp. [no longer available]

Introduction to Advent available on my blog.

Introduction to the Christian Year available on my blog.

My e-book, Discovering Advent: How to Experience the Power of Waiting on God at Christmastime, available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


Images sourced via Creative Commons.