Sample Services with Work Themes

Worship / Produced by partner of TOW

These services are examples of what can be done around the theme of work for different occasions and in various settings – from the local to the national.

1. A Harvest of Work Service

The worship leader explains why a "more-than-agricultural" harvest is being celebrated. S/he could make the following...

More A Harvest of Work Service ›

2. A National Service Celebrating Industry

Human enterprise is not simply an end in itself; it is the means and the medium through which people fulfil their...

More A National Service Celebrating Industry ›

3. A Rogationtide Service of Holy Communion

Today, the 5th Sunday after Easter, is Rogation Sunday. Traditionally Rogationtide was the time when God's blessing was...

More A Rogationtide Service of Holy Communion ›

4. A Cathedral Service Celebrating the Work of a County

We have gathered here this day to give thanks and praise to Almighty God for his love and gifts given to us day by day....

More A Cathedral Service Celebrating the Work of a County ›

5. An Unemployment Service with Holy Communion

We come together to worship God. We stand in his presence. We open ourselves to his goodness and his love. We come to...

More An Unemployment Service with Holy Communion ›

6. An Unemployment Service without Holy Communion

Unemployment is feeling utterly useless as far as one's contribution to society is concerned.Unemployment is seeing...

More An Unemployment Service without Holy Communion ›

7. Transforming Chaos to Creation Church Service

The world of work is currently undergoing massive change. To some change is liberating, to others it is frightening. All...

More Transforming Chaos to Creation Church Service ›

8. The Commissioning of an Industrial Chaplain

After welcoming the candidate and his/her family and specially invited guests, the officiating minister should...

More The Commissioning of an Industrial Chaplain ›

9. People and the Planet: A Service with Holy Communion

From the fragmented world of our everyday lives we gather together in search of wholeness. By many cares and...

More People and the Planet: A Service with Holy Communion ›

10. The Blessing of a Ship

Lord, we give you thanks for those who built this ship, for those who designed and installed its equipment and those who...

More The Blessing of a Ship ›