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Search results for: matthew
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Daily ReflectionEver since sin broke God's perfect world, sadness pervades our existence. Oh, to be sure, there are times when we...
Blessed Are the Humble
Daily ReflectionThe funny thing is, the humble are probably not interested in inheriting the earth. Yet in the kingdom of God, things...
Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Justice
Daily ReflectionWhat does it mean to hunger and thirst for justice? The Greek word translated here as "justice" is dikaiosune, a term...
Blessed Are the Merciful
Daily ReflectionWhat is mercy? The biblical language for mercy suggests compassion for those in need as well as forgiveness for those...
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Daily ReflectionFrom a biblical point of view, a pure heart is a heart of integrity. It entails singlemindedness in devotion to God....
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Daily ReflectionIn this verse, Jesus says that "those who work for peace" (literally, "the peace-doers") are blessed. What does he...
Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted for Doing Right
Daily ReflectionWe would hope that doing what's right would be accepted, perhaps even rewarded. Often this is the case. If we do what's...
Blessed Are Those Who Are Maligned for the Sake of Jesus
Daily ReflectionThe last of the beatitudes is an elaboration of the previous one: "God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right,...
Salt of the Earth
Daily ReflectionSalt had a wide variety of uses in the ancient world. It was a preservative, a purifier, and even an ingredient in...
The Light of the World
Daily ReflectionJesus follows the "salt of the earth" metaphor with a similar one: "You are the light of the world." Here the emphasis...
Honoring God’s Laws
Daily ReflectionChristians often fall into two different extremes when it comes to matters of right and wrong. On the one hand, some...
The Priority of Reconciliation
Daily ReflectionFrom cover to cover, the Bible values relationships. Our relationship with God takes first place, of course.