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Search results for: matthew
The Lust of the Eyes
Daily ReflectionIn Jesus' day, it was tempting for people to excuse their sin by focusing only on their actions.
Divorce and Marriage
Daily ReflectionIn Jesus' day, the right of a Jewish man to divorce his wife was assumed. Some rabbis argued, like Jesus, that divorce...
A Call to Truthfulness
Daily ReflectionIn the time of Jesus, people made vows to offer assurance that they would do as they had said. But they didn't "swear to...
Turn The Other Cheek
Daily ReflectionSomething in me recoils when I read this passage. How can Jesus expect me not to fight back when I am attacked? Not to...
Love Your Enemies
Daily ReflectionThis is one of the most famous of Jesus' commands . . . and one of the hardest to obey.
Doing Good Works for God
Daily ReflectionIn Jesus' day, as in our own, people often did good works in order to receive public recognition. Charitable giving,...
God Knows What You Need
Daily ReflectionIf God knows everything we need before we ask in prayer, then why should we pray? Won't God give us what we need whether...
The Importance of Forgiveness
Daily ReflectionIt's an amazing thing to be forgiven by God. Because of his grace poured out through Christ, we can be forgiven for all...
Treasures in Heaven
Daily ReflectionThese words of Jesus are as relevant to us as they were to his first audience. But if he were speaking today, he might...
You Cannot Serve Two Masters
Daily ReflectionThe original Greek of this verse says that we cannot serve God and mammon (an Aramaic word meaning money or...
Don’t Worry
Daily ReflectionIn the world of Jesus, the majority of people had little more than the bare necessities of life. And these could be...
Seek Ye First
Daily ReflectionWhat is the kingdom of God? Sometimes we equate the kingdom of God with heaven. This misses the precise meaning of the...