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Search results for: matthew
What God Has Joined Together
Daily ReflectionAmong the Pharisees in the time of Jesus, there was a debate over the legitimate grounds for divorce. Some scholars...
God of the Possible
Daily ReflectionWhen Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the...
The Gracious Landowner
Daily ReflectionJesus did not tell the story of the generous landowner to comment on the validity of human pay scales. He was not...
What’s In It For Me?
Daily ReflectionIrony abounds in this passage. Just as Jesus finished predicting his gruesome death, the mother of two of his closest...
The Serving Son of Man
Daily ReflectionIn response to his disciples' yearning for position and power, Jesus called them to servanthood. "If you want to be a...
Praying in Desperation
Daily ReflectionWhen the blind men heard that Jesus was coming their way, they began shouting for mercy. No doubt they had heard that...
The Compassion of Jesus, Once Again
Daily ReflectionWhen the two blind men kept crying out to Jesus, those in the crowd around them tried to shut them up. Their emotional...
The Humble King
Daily ReflectionThis familiar story of "Palm Sunday" dramatizes the irony of Jesus' ministry. He was indeed the Messiah, the one who was...
Hiding in the Den of Thieves
Daily ReflectionAs Jesus entered Jerusalem to cries of "Hosanna," the crowd had high hopes for him. Surely, if he were the Messiah,...
Contrasting Responses to Jesus
Daily ReflectionThis passage epitomizes the contrasting responses to Jesus. On the one hand, those in need of healing came freely and...
Faithful Prayer
Daily ReflectionMatthew 21:22 is one of those verses that gets some Christians into trouble. They take it out of biblical context and...
Who Gets Into the Kingdom of God?
Daily ReflectionMany of the religious leaders in Jesus' day were snared by their own self-righteousness. They looked down upon ones they...