
Academic Paper / Produced by Individual TOW Project member

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Ballard, Paul H. 1982 Towards A Contemporary Theology of Work. Cardiff: Council of Churches for Wales.

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  • 1987 In And Out of Work: A Pastoral Perspective. Edinburgh: St Andrews Press.

Banks, Robert J. 1987 All The Business Of Life. Sutherland, NSW: Albatross.

  • 1992 God The Worker. Sutherland, NSW: Albatross.

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Bleakey, David. 1981 In Place of Work ... The Sufficient Society. London: SCM.

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  • 1985 Beyond Work - Free To Be. London: SCM.
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Coughlan, Peter. 1989 The Hour Of The Laity: Their Expanding Role. Newtown, N.S.W.: E.J. Dwyer.

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  • 1996 Psalms Down Under. Wellington: Catholic Supplies (NZ) Ltd.

Cox, Shelagh (ed). 1987 Public And Private Worlds: Women In Contemporary New Zealand. Wellington: Allen & Unwin N.Z. Ltd.

Crabtree, Davida Foy. 1989 The Empowering Church: How One Congregation Supports Lay People’s Ministries in the World. Washington DC: Alban Institute.

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Diehl, William E. 1976 Christianity And Real Life. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.

  • 1982 Thank God It’s Monday! Minneapolis: Augsburg.
  • 1987 In Search of Faithfulness. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
  • 1991 The Monday Connection. New York: Harper Collins.
  • 1993 ‘Bringing The Workplace into The Worship Place’ in Robert J. Banks Faith Goes to Work. Washington DC: Alban Institute.
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Doohan, Leonard. 1984 The Lay-Centered Church. New York: Harper and Row.

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  • 1991 Weaving the New Creation. New York: Harper Collins.
  • 1995 Faithful Change: The Personal and Public Challenges of Postmodern Life. Nashville: Abingdon.

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