Work Rewards (Classroom Activity for Grades 2-5)

Small Group Study / Produced by partner of TOW

This lesson is part of God's Story of Work for Kids, a 12-week curriculum that teaches children to see work through God's perspective.


OPENING ACTIVITY: Gold, stone, straw (7 MINUTES)

Teach kids the motions for God, Stones, Straw. The motions are:

  1. Gold: arms straight down, held tightly against each side
  2. Stones: both hands open with fingers wiggling to symbol "twinkling"
  3. Straw: arms straight up and hands clasped to look like a straight line

Review the meaning of each building material. Gold and stones both last through fire - these refer to work that is done for God with faith, hope and love. Stones are most likely referring to work that helps people come to believe in Jesus. Straw is work that doesn't last - it's not done for God.

Read a scenario from the list gold-stones-straw-scenarios.pdf.  Kids jump into the pose that they think the scenario demonstrates.

WORKSHEET: 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 Study (15 MINUTES)

Read through the passage together out loud. Have students answer the questions on the worksheet building-my-life-worksheet.pdf. Gold and silver are purified by fire and precious stones are produced out of incredible environments of pressure and heat. Wood, hay and straw become ashes and disappear when burnt.

Review- Who can you think of in the bible that lived a life that was probably built with gold, silver and precious stones? Who can you think of in the Bible that lived a life built with straw, hay or wood?

letters to jesus (10 MINUTES)

This is the last session of the curriculum. Give each student a sheet of stationary, an envelope and a pen. If possible, play instrumental worship music in the background as students work. Invite them to write to Jesus. He sees each of them and loves them very much. Each of them brings joy to his heart. Ask them to take some time to write a letter to Jesus about 3 things:

  • Their favorite kind of work
  • The work they find hardest
  • The kind of life they want to build

Thave them seal their letters and hold them in closing prayer.


Pray a blessing over each student individually. Ask God to lead them in a life built with gold, silver and precious stones, by the power of his Holy spirit.