What Work is God Up To? (Classroom Activity for Grades 2-5)

Small Group Study / Produced by partner of TOW

This lesson is part of God's Story of Work for Kids, a 12-week curriculum that teaches children to see work through God's perspective.


  • small puzzle of at least 9 pieces, but no more than 25 pieces
  • blank sheet of paper for each child
  • pencils or colored pencils

Opening Activity: Trivia Review Puzzle (10 minutes)

Lay out puzzle pieces on the table or floor. Lay a corner piece out to start. As you ask the following questions that review the past weeks, the child who answers correctly can help add a piece to the puzzle. Continue until the puzzle is complete. Feel free to add your own questions.

Teacher Tip: What you share will help set the tone for the sharing. Think of something specific that you enjoy and be ready to share it.


  1. What are some of the things God first made when He made the world? light, sky, waters, animals, plants
  2. Who created Adam and Eve? God
  3. What was one of the first jobs God gave Adam in the garden? naming the animals God made
  4. What did God warn Adam and Eve about? to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
  5. What did God say would be a consequence of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? they would die
  6. What did Adam and Eve do immediately after eating the fruit? their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked, so they made coverings out of leaves
  7. What did God say when Adam and Eve were hiding? God said, "Where are you?"
  8. What kind of work is God up to today? restoring the world back to his original design
  9. What is an important way that God began restoring our world back to the original design? He sent his only son Jesus to die for sin
  10. What are the 4 key relationships God is looking to restore? our relationships with God, with each other, with creation, and with our self

Draw/Write & Chat (20 minutes)

Give each child a blank sheet of paper.

  1. Ask them to draw or write a description of a place they often go - i.e. school, library, playground, etc. Can you share what you've drawn? Where is it? How often do you go?
  2. Ask children to think about and draw or write down what they might see if everyone there knew God loves them and had a relationship with God. What would be different? For example, everyone in school would want to please God not him or herself. Perhaps Bible verses would be there to encourage people praying for each other.
  3. Ask children to think about and draw or write down what they might see if everyone there had a good relationship with each other. What would be different? For example, there would be no bullying in school. You might see everyone playing together instead of being in cliques.
  4. Ask children to think about and draw or write down what they might see if everyone there took good care of the things around them - plants, desks, books, animals, etc. What would be different? For example, the classrooms would be clean and things would last longer.
  5. Ask children to think about and draw or write down what they might see if everyone there had a good relationship with their self and could think of themselves the way God wants for them. What would be different? For example, no one would feel ashamed of who he or she is. You might see people who are confident and smiling or people who are trying new things they want to do instead of letting fear stop them.

Share & Pray (5 minutes)

Ask children if they have any prayer requests that they would like prayer for. Feel free to share your own. Pray for the requests or invite a child to pray for the class.