A Partner, Not a Robot (Take-Home Activity for Parents and Kids)

Small Group Study / Produced by partner of TOW

This lesson is part of God's Story of Work for Kids, a 12-week curriculum that teaches children to see work through God's perspective.

This Week's Focus: I am God's Partner in Work

This week we learned that human beings were made by God in his image. As human beings, we reflect who God is in how we are made - which includes our ability to work creatively.  What a privilege that instead of creating robots that execute his orders, God designed us to be creative, to think like him and to partner with him in his work. From the very beginning God invited Adam to help name the animals he made. God desires relationship with us not only through prayer and reading his word but through work.

Do this Week's Workout: Project Partners!

The Weekly Workout is a great way you can work our the week's focus with your child - in action. Invite the whole family into this time. God is at work.

God is working all over the world - and right here in your neighborhood, school, and home. Talk together about a place God is working that you can partner and join this week as a family. Pray together and see if there's something or someone or somewhere specific that God brings to mind. 

Here are some suggestions to get ideas rolling:

  • Partner in caring for the poor. Make sandwiches to give to the local homeless.
  • Partner in caring for creation. Sign up to volunteer to weed a local park, or go as a family to pick up garbage in an area. (Pack gloves, thick garbage bags, and sanitary wipes.)
  • Partner in caring for the lonely. Make a card to brighten the day for someone who could use a bit of cheer. 
  • Partner in welcoming people. Take a room in your house that could be made more welcoming when people come over. Think through small things you can do to make it more welcoming and work on it together. (For example, paint and hang up a blessing verse on the living room wall, throw away clutter, etc.)

Talk about it: What impact did you see from partnering with God? What gifts/abilities that God gave you were you able to use to partner with him? Take time as a family to point out and affirm the gifts you saw in action in each other. Be specific, such as "I saw your gift for organization in how you remembered to pack the gloves."