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Search results for: 1 timothy
God’s Covenant with Abraham
Daily ReflectionThe word covenant appears more often in Genesis 17 than in any other chapter of the whole Bible (Hebrew, berit, 13...
God’s Covenant with Abraham (continued)
Daily ReflectionCircumcision was a common practice among people in the Ancient Near East, often as a rite of passage for young men in...
God’s Promise for Sarah
Daily ReflectionGod announces to Abraham his intention to bless Sarai beyond her wildest dreams. Her new name, Sarah, from the Hebrew...
The Ebb and Flow of Faith
Daily ReflectionHere is the ebb and flow of faith writ large. Only moments earlier Abraham had laughed with disbelief over God's...
Sarah Laughed
Daily ReflectionIn Genesis 17, when God revealed his plan to Abraham and promised to give him a son through Sarah, Abraham laughed in...
God Responds to Sarah’s Laughter
Daily ReflectionEarlier in Genesis 18, the Lord revealed to Sarah that she would bear a son even in her old age. But she knew that women...
Abraham’s Boldness Before God
Daily ReflectionGod's commitment to justice led him to condemn the evil city of Sodom. Yet, in an astonishing display of boldness,...
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
Daily ReflectionI wonder how Abraham felt as he looked upon the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Though Genesis 19 confirms the...
Beware of That Which Clouds the Mind
Daily ReflectionOut of desperation, Lot's daughters got their father drunk in order to trick him into impregnating them. Under the...
Déjà Vu
Daily ReflectionIn Genesis 12, Abraham sojourned to Egypt to escape famine in Canaan. Because he was afraid that the Egyptians might...
Sarah’s Laughter Revisited
Daily ReflectionIn Genesis 18, Sarah laughed out of disbelief. There was no way she would ever bear a son in her old age, in spite of...
A Harsh Boss
Daily ReflectionWhen Sarah saw Ishmael, the son of her husband, Abraham, and her slave-girl, Hagar, making fun of her own son, Isaac,...