We Bring Before You, Lord, All the Failures of Our Daily Work (Prayer)

Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW

Let us be assured of God's power to relieve sin, to take away our burden and debt.
We bring before you, Lord, all the failure of our daily work;
We have fallen short of your demands upon us;
We have not given you the glory, nor worked in your love.

Good Lord, forgive us:
Forgive us, Lord.

We confess the faults of the industrial society in which we work,
the inequalities, the injustices of all systems
and the difficulties we have in changing them.

Good Lord, forgive us:
Forgive us, Lord.

We have not worked together as brothers and sisters of your family.
There have been differences,
lack of co-operation and chances of reconciliation missed.
We have not brought out the best in others.

Good Lord, forgive us:
Forgive us, Lord.

We have wasted and misused the raw materials of the earth,
and scarred the beauty of nature.
We have not made best use of the time and skills you have given us.

Good Lord, forgive us:
Forgive us, Lord.

We have not met the needs of the hungry and impoverished of the world.
We have not been able to meet the demands of those without work.

Good Lord, forgive us:
Forgive us, Lord.