We Ask Your Blessing on All Those Who Work (Prayer)

Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW

(based on the framework provided by the Anglican Alternative Service Book 1980)

We praise and thank you for your work in Creation, for the wonder, the order and the unity of our world.

Lord, we thank you for calling us to work for you to bring other people to know you and to love you.

We ask your blessing on all those who follow you, for all of us who are your Church throughout the whole world.

We pray that we may all give ourselves to your service in our schools, our work, our homes and in all that we do.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all those who have difficult and unpleasant jobs:
For those who collect rubbish, those who maintain the sewers, for those who clean very dirty places, for those working in slaughter houses.

Let us pray for those whose jobs can be unpopular:
For those who assess and collect our taxes, debt collectors, club doormen, traffic wardens, prison officers.

Let us pray for all those whose jobs are very dangerous:
For firefighters, for fishermen, for those in the security forces, and for all who risk their lives that we may live safely.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

Let us pray for families where young people are preparing for their working life, that they may be given good career guidance.

Let us pray for wisdom and commitment on the part of careers officers and training agencies.

Let us pray that in choosing their jobs young people may be moved by the ideal of service for others.

Let us pray that all people in their work may find that right balance between family and work.

Let us pray for all families where work necessitates unsocial hours, long commuting journeys daily, and frequently moving house.

Help us to value and appreciate all the work which is done to create and to run our homes and to care for our families.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

Now let us pray for those who are finding life difficult because of the worries and uncertainties they have about their work.

For those who over-drive or pressurise others, or themselves.

Lord, we remember before you all those who have to face redundancy, those who are unemployed and all who are helping them to return to employment.

We pray for those who find it difficult to keep pace with the tempo which is expected of them in their work, those beginning to fail physically or mentally.

We ask your mercy on those who break others.

We pray for all who have become ill through the stresses and strains, the risks and the dangers of their work, and we pray also for all those engaged in occupational medicine.

For Health and Safety officers, for factory inspectors, for all responsible for removing or improving dangerous work situations.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

We thank you for the wealth of knowledge brought to us through medical research, and for the healing ministry of doctors and nurses.

Stengthen them for their tasks and give them the joy of knowing that they are part of your own purpose of healing in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

Let us remember all who have died in the faith of Christ, especially giving thanks for their contribution to the life and work of our world.

Lord, now that their work on earth is done, grant them your peace and eternal rest.

We remember before you the members of our own families who have died former work mates and colleagues.

We commend to you all who have died as a consequence of their work, whether on land, at sea or in the air.

Merciful Father,
accept our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

(From 'Work in Worship', Peterborough Diocese People and Work Programme)