Intercessions About Work

Worship / Produced by partner of TOW

These Intercessions are part of "Work in Worship," a collection of material for work-themed services compiled by David Welbourn. Congregations can voice these prayers together during the section of a church service reserved for The Prayers of The People. Many of these intercessions are also appropriate for personal use in a private prayer practice.

From Ruthlessness in Making Money and Irresponsibility Spending It, Lord, Deliver Us (Prayer)

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O God the Father, Creator of all things:
Have mercy upon us.

O God the Son, Redeemer of the world:
Have mercy upon us.

O God the Holy Spirit, Giver of life:
Have mercy upon us.

O Holy, blessed and glorious Trinity, three Persons and one God:
Have mercy upon us.

From envy, avarice and status-seeking, from covetousness which is idolatry;
from wanting more than is our fair share:
Good Lord, deliver us.

From ruthlessness in making money, and from irresponsibility in spending it:
Good Lord, deliver us.

From unwillingness to know the cost to others of our own standard of living:
Good Lord, deliver us.

For financiers and politicians, industrialists and trade unionists, and all who wield economic power; that they may have grace, wisdom and compassion:
Lord, hear our prayer.

For the bewildered and those who cannot cope with a budget or with filling in forms or with the pressures of modern life:
Lord, hear our prayer.

For the victims of inflation, pensioners, people on small fixed incomes, and all who have been robbed of their savings:
Lord, hear our prayer.

For those who cannot find jobs, or homes they can afford, for people made redundant for whatever reason:
Lord, hear our prayer.

For the increase of the fruits of the earth, that all may enjoy them:
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, when we are deciding how to make money, how to steward it, and what to do with it; help us to look hard at our motives, our aims and our prejudices - honestly, as in your sight.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who for our sake became poor; grant us grace to forsake all covetous desires and inordinate love of riches, and to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. For your name's sake. Amen.

For All Who Work: Hear Our Prayer (Prayer)

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For the riches of your creation, giving us the materials of the earth:
We thank you, Lord.

For the labour of our hands and minds, developing invention and skill:
We thank you, Lord.

For agriculture, industry and commerce, providing work and wealth and goods for the world:
We thank you, Lord.

For all who work in transport and distribution, service industries and local government, that in giving service they may find reward:
Hear our prayer.

For those in management and the trade unions, that mutual respect and good relations may always be maintained:
Hear our prayer.

For the unemployed and the handicapped, that they might not lose hope, and may find a positive role in life:
Hear our prayer.

For young people at work and those who educate and train them, that they may find promise and aspiration fulfilled:
Hear our prayer.

Lord the Creator, whose great goodness has provided for our needs; help us so to use, develop and preserve the resources of the earth that, through our industry, the needs of all may be fulfilled, human dignity enhanced, and our people live in true prosperity and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We Pray for Those Who Work in Various Sectors: Lord Graciously Hear Us (Prayer)

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Eternal Lord God, to whom belong all power and dominion, we seek the guidance of your Spirit for all on whom is laid the responsibility of government. We pray for Members of Parliament and all others in authority in our land, that they may have wisdom to order the affairs of our nation in accordance with your will. Especially we pray for those wrestling with the economic difficulties we currently face, that through their endeavours there may be created a just and loving society to which all may feel they belong.

Lord hear us:
Lord graciously hear us.

Almighty God, from whom all good gifts come, grant to those who hold office in our county the spirit of justice and truth, of wisdom and charity; that, mindful of their responsibility and the needs of those they serve, they may promote the true welfare of all our people. May they have skill in dealing with the oftenconflicting demands made on them, and wisdom in allocating the limited resources at their disposal. May they at all times give protection and help to those in special need.

Lord hear us:
Lord graciously hear us.

O God our Father, as we acknowledge our dependence on your bounty for our daily food, so we also seek your blessing on those engaged in agriculture. We pray that you will so prosper their work that the earth may yield to us its full harvest. At this time of great change and uncertainty for those who work on the land, we ask you to guide all who are planning the future shape of the agricultural industry.

Lord hear us:
Lord graciously hear us.

We pray, too, Lord, for all who work in industry and commerce. We thank you for creating women and men in your own image, giving them the ability to turn raw material into objects of use and beauty. May they not forget their indebtedness to you, nor that their creative efforts are performed to your honour, the enrichment of humankind and the benefit of the earth.

Lord hear us:
Lord graciously hear us.

In you, Lord, are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. We pray for all engaged in the work of education and training. Bless the work of our universities, colleges, schools and training institutions, that in them your name may be honoured and from them may come men, women and young people you seek and love the truth as it is revealed in your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord hear us:
Lord graciously hear us.

We thank you, O God, for all who work in the social services, caring professions and in voluntary work. Help them combine sympathy with firmness and love with understanding. Uphold them when they grow weary, guard them from despair when human problems seem intractable, and renew them daily in your love.

Lord hear us:
Lord graciously hear us.

Father we pray for the casualties of our economic life:
for those whose work is monotonous or stressful,
for the low-paid and those struggling to make ends meet,
for the unemployed and those threatened with redundancy,
for failed businesses and all victims of the recent recession,
for those in debt, those who are ill, those who are homeless
for those who are anxious or in despair.
May we all work together to strengthen the weak and empower the powerless.

Lord hear us:
Lord graciously hear us.

Let us say together the words of the Grace....

O Lord Jesus Christ, Through Your Work as a Carpenter You Shared the Stress of Daily Life (Prayer)

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God has made the earth fruitful and fertile
Rich in minerals and natural energy.

God makes plants grow for us to harvest,
Producing enough food for all to be fed.

God gives us wisdom and insight
To discover the secrets of the atom and the gene.
We are able to design ingenious inventions
Which can transform people’s lives.

We receive all God’s gifts with thanksgiving
And offer our work to God’s glory.

O Lord Jesus Christ
who through your work as a carpenter
shared the stress of daily life
and knew its satisfactions and frustrations,
strengthen us in our work
that whatever we do, we may do it wholeheartedly
to the glory of your name. Amen.

Almighty God, who has made us
so that each of us is dependent on the work of many others,
we pray for those with whom we work,
for those who find it hard to do their work,
that they may have strength.
for those who are worried about their work,
that they may have peace,
for those who are difficult to work with,
that we and they may have patience,
that we may work together
in the spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(c.Christine Allen, David Durston, Chris Powell and Wendy S Robins, SUNDAY, MONEY Resources Book, Cassell and Scripture Union, 1995)

Whether Our Work Is Paid or Unpaid, We Give Our Work to You Lord God (Prayer)

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Whether we work at home, or at school,
in a factory or an office,
indoors or out of doors,
we give our work to you, Lord God.

Whether we work alone, or with others,
with hand or brain,
in a shop or a hospital,
we give out work to you, Lord God.

Whether our work is paid or unpaid,
interesting or boring,
with computers or with people,
we give our work to you, Lord God.

Whether our work involves manufacturing or planning,
travelling or homemaking,
teaching, learning or caring,
we give our our work to you, Lord God.

Whatever we do,
give us a sense of wonder.
Whatever we make,
give us a sense of achievement.
Whatever we build,
grant us a sense of glory.
Whatever our work,
grant us a share in your purpose.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

(Greater Manchester Industrial Mission)

In a Fast-Moving World, Teach Us That You Are The God of All Wisdom (Prayer)

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Living God,
when we feel the shaking of the foundations
and try to retreat into the security of the past,
teach us that you are the God of the future.

Living God,
when we are tempted to despair,
when events move so quickly
and it seems there is no way forward,
teach us that you are the God of hope.

Living God,
when things happen beyond our understanding
and we find our trust in you is threatened,
teach us that you are the God of faith.

Living God,
in a fast-moving world, when we find our values questioned
and it is not easy to perceive what is right,
teach us that you are the God of all wisdom.
So that we may learn to live each day
in company with you
and to follow you wherever you will lead us. Amen.

(Nigel Collinson, President of Conference 1996-97, in For the Healing of the Nations: (Methodist) Prayer Handbook, 1996-1997)

May All Who Hold Political and Monetary Power Use It to Serve (Prayer)

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Lord, you have set us an example: you have shown us how we should treat one another. Yet in so many situations and places people relate to one another with greed, with grasping, with violence, with hatred, with violence and injustice. We pray for people throughout the world who are in positions of leadership and responsibility. May they know the way of servanthood. May all who hold political and monetary power use that power to serve with integrity those for whom they are responsible.

(c. Barbara A Scott ‘Shaping Prayer’, Methodist Publishing House 1996)

We Pray for All Doctors, Nurses and Emergency Workers (Prayer)

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We pray for all doctors, nurses and emergency workers. May they rejoice in the skills you have given them which enable them to bring hope, healing and wholeness to those in their care. May they also know guidance and support in times of pain and frustration when their skills are not enough to prevent permanent injury, disability or death. Bless each one of them, that they may be a blessing to others.

(c. Barbara A Scott ‘Shaping Prayer’, Methodist Publishing House 1996)

We Pray for Teachers and All People Involved in Education (Prayer)

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Father God, in the power of the Holy Spirit we bring our concerns and worries about education and all people involved in this work.

Father God, we give you thanks for:
our education system
all teachers
all who work in education
the joys of teaching.

We pray that all who are involved will use their skill wisely, feel themselves to be valued and help the students in their care to learn and grow.

Father God, we remember the work of teachers, the men and women who have trained hard, and now use their skills in educating others. We acknowledge their work, and we want to understand the joys, the stresses and the strains they feel in their daily work.

Father God, we pray for:
dedicated teachers
teachers who feel inadequate or stressed.

Lord God, we remember all these people in their various tasks; give them strength, courage and a sense of purpose in teaching.

Father God, we pray for:
struggling or unsupported teachers
teachers who feel overwhelmed by their workload.

Lord God, we remember all these people in their various tasks; give them peace, joy and a sense of purpose in their teaching.

Father God, we pray for teachers in:
special needs schools
infant and junior schools
secondary schools
colleges and universities
adult education.

Lord God, we remember of these people in their various tasks; give them energy, commitment and a sense of purpose in their work.

Father God, we pray for:
Schools learning how to be responsible for their own budgets
Governors learning how best to support and motivate school workers
Head teachers trying to motivate themselves and others
Teachers whom we know personally.

Lord God, we remember of these people in their various tasks; give them awareness, sensitivity and a sense of purpose in their work.

Father God, we pray for:
People training to be teachers
People considering a career in education.

Lord God, we remember all these people in their various situations, give them a clear sense of direction.

Lord, we know that teaching can be a thankless task. Help us to be aware of the needs of those who have the responsibility for educating others. May we as a community be supportive and caring, offering a listening ear and practical concern whenever we can; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(c. Barbara A Scott ‘Shaping Prayer’, Methodist Publishing House 1996)

We Pray for This Earth and For Those Who Work in All Manner of Places and Situations (Prayer)

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Lord God, we acknowledge your creative power and energy,
bringing our prayers for a world in need of your creativity.
Creator God, hear us, renew us, help us.

Lord God, we pray for your Church throughout the world.
May there be a harvest of freedom, places where your Spirit moves in and through us, your people, that we might be all that you call us to be.
Creator God, hear us, renew us, help us.

Lord God, we pray for this earth. May there continue to be a harvest of land and sea. May the people who work to bring our daily food continue to use their skill and patience, and know the value of the work they do.
Creator God, hear us, renew us, help us.

Lord God, we pray for the areas of the world where the harvest has failed. For places where lack of rain has ruined the crops. For places where war and conflict have prevented the planting of crops. For places where there is hunger and famine. May those who work to bring relief and aid continue their work and know that it is essential. May governments be moved to offer support that will enable people to take responsibility for their own future.
Creator God, hear us, renew us, help us.

Lord God, we pray for those who work in all manner of place and situations. For those in industry. For those who develop our technology. For those who work in the emergency services. For those responsible for upholding law and keeping peace. May they know the importance of the tasks in which they are involved and may they find strength and support as they seek to contribute to society.
Creator God, hear us, renew us, help us.

Lord God, we pray for those whose work is not paid. For those who take time out from a career to raise children. For those who cannot accept paid employment because they are caring for a sick or disabled relative. For those who work in a voluntary capacity, in the health service, in prisons, in community care, churches and charitable organizations. May they fulfill the task they are called to do and give of their best in each situation. May we as a society value the work they do as they contribute to our lives.
Creator God, hear us, renew us, help us.

Lord God, we acknowledge your creative power and energy, and we bring these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Creator God, hear us, renew us, help us. Amen.

(c. Barbara A Scott ‘Reshaping Prayer, Methodist Publishing House 1996)

We Ask Your Blessing on All Those Who Work (Prayer)

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(based on the framework provided by the Anglican Alternative Service Book 1980)

We praise and thank you for your work in Creation, for the wonder, the order and the unity of our world.

Lord, we thank you for calling us to work for you to bring other people to know you and to love you.

We ask your blessing on all those who follow you, for all of us who are your Church throughout the whole world.

We pray that we may all give ourselves to your service in our schools, our work, our homes and in all that we do.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all those who have difficult and unpleasant jobs:
For those who collect rubbish, those who maintain the sewers, for those who clean very dirty places, for those working in slaughter houses.

Let us pray for those whose jobs can be unpopular:
For those who assess and collect our taxes, debt collectors, club doormen, traffic wardens, prison officers.

Let us pray for all those whose jobs are very dangerous:
For firefighters, for fishermen, for those in the security forces, and for all who risk their lives that we may live safely.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

Let us pray for families where young people are preparing for their working life, that they may be given good career guidance.

Let us pray for wisdom and commitment on the part of careers officers and training agencies.

Let us pray that in choosing their jobs young people may be moved by the ideal of service for others.

Let us pray that all people in their work may find that right balance between family and work.

Let us pray for all families where work necessitates unsocial hours, long commuting journeys daily, and frequently moving house.

Help us to value and appreciate all the work which is done to create and to run our homes and to care for our families.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

Now let us pray for those who are finding life difficult because of the worries and uncertainties they have about their work.

For those who over-drive or pressurise others, or themselves.

Lord, we remember before you all those who have to face redundancy, those who are unemployed and all who are helping them to return to employment.

We pray for those who find it difficult to keep pace with the tempo which is expected of them in their work, those beginning to fail physically or mentally.

We ask your mercy on those who break others.

We pray for all who have become ill through the stresses and strains, the risks and the dangers of their work, and we pray also for all those engaged in occupational medicine.

For Health and Safety officers, for factory inspectors, for all responsible for removing or improving dangerous work situations.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

We thank you for the wealth of knowledge brought to us through medical research, and for the healing ministry of doctors and nurses.

Stengthen them for their tasks and give them the joy of knowing that they are part of your own purpose of healing in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Lord in your mercy:
hear our prayer.

Let us remember all who have died in the faith of Christ, especially giving thanks for their contribution to the life and work of our world.

Lord, now that their work on earth is done, grant them your peace and eternal rest.

We remember before you the members of our own families who have died former work mates and colleagues.

We commend to you all who have died as a consequence of their work, whether on land, at sea or in the air.

Merciful Father,
accept our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

(From 'Work in Worship', Peterborough Diocese People and Work Programme)

Intercessions for the Unemployed (Prayer)

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Lord, help us to remember
that work in industry is the principal way in which we provide for our material needs and the needs of others, and helps to maintain our social services and leisure;
that work is for people, not people for work;
that money, machines and materials are things, while workers, suppliers and customers are people;
that in our type of society, those who cannot find work feel their dignity is diminished;
that life is more than work.

So let us pray
for those who seek work but cannot find it;
for those who over-work and neglect others;
for those who should work but avoid it;
for those who do work but resent it;
for those who exploit work and demean it;
for efficient production, honest marketing and responsible use of resources;
for more justice in the sharing of this world's goods in our own community and between nations;
for the unemployed, their families, and other victims of economic forces;
for all Christians at work, that they may look on their employment as ministry, and feel supported in it by
their local church;
for the whole world, as it faces the challenge of change and the impact of new technologies.

Father, Be with Those Facing Redundancy. Lead Us out from Darkness (Prayer)

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Lord, we pray for your Church:
for those who lead us...
for those who teach us...
for all who break bread with us...

Help those of us who are unemployed
to share with those in work
in the struggle for justice
for all men and women.

Lead us out from darkness
to walk as children of light.

We pray for our national leaders...
for those who advise them...
for the leaders of industry and commerce...
for writers and broadcasters...
May they work together
to strengthen the weak
and empower the powerless.

Lead us from darkness
to walk as children of light.

Father, be with all of us who are in work...
those facing redundancy...
those in training...
those whose work is unpaid, or undervalued...
and those without a job...
May we support and love one another
as Christ loves and values us.

Lead us out of darkness
to walk as children of light.

Father, we pray for the casualties of our economy...
for those whose work is monotonous...
for those poorly paid...
for those suffering discrimination...
for unemployed people and their families...
for those living in poverty...
for those who are homeless...
for those who are ill...
for those in despair...
Help us reject the notion that some have the right to wealth
at the expense of others.

Lead us out from darkness
to walk as children of light.

What Sort of Foot or Hand Can I Be If I Don’t Work? (Prayer)

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Unemployed… redundant… laid off… unqualified… surplus labour.

These words cut into me, severing all feeling of usefulness.
What kind of body-part am I now?
What sort of foot or hand, eye or ear, can I be if I don’t work?
Does the body still need me?

Creator God,
I’ve got this ideas I must be active and busy,
doing big things in your name;
prophesying to the world,
eradicating poverty.
Yet it is the everyday struggles
that can be so demanding:
just about making ends meet,
maintaining some dignity.
I might not have been the greatest worker
but now I’ve been put on the scrap heap.

Teacher Christ,
We need to learn a new way of being.
Show us how to be prophets in every situation,
Employed or unemployed,
Underpaid or overworked,
so that the justice of labour shared
may truly build up your body
in honour and rejoicing.

(Janet Lees & Bob Warwicker, from URC Prayer Handbook 1994)

We Pray for All Who Work at Sea (Prayer)

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We pray
For all who work at sea;
For all those who give service to the Royal National Lifeboat Institute, and its work;
For Naval Chaplains, and Missions to Seamen chaplains;
For those sailing under flags of convenience;
For those working on the cross-channel ferries, and the ferries in Scotland;
For those working to bring us food: fishermen and fish farmers;
For those drilling for oil and natural gas;
For all divers.

We remember that all these face difficulty and danger.
We give thanks for their knowledge of the sea, their courage on putting out into the deep, their patience and their skill.

We pray:
For all those who cause pollution or environmental or ecological damage through negligence, carelessness, greed or accident, remembering that as we benefit from their harvest, so we share the responsibility for its side-effects.
For those anxious about over-fishing and those trying to protect whales and dolphins;
For those who have lost their boats or their jobs because of problems in the fishing and shipbuilding industries;
For those whose hobby is angling, sailing or boating.

We give thanks:
For the work of the National Rivers Authority;
For the beauty of our waterways and coasts;
For time for recreation.

We pray for those without clean water or with no water supply at all.
We remember the women whose back-breaking task it is to fetch water.
We pray for those facing drought, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.
We pray for those whose homes or work places or fields have been destroyed by floods.
We remember the poverty that forces people to live on marginal land.
We pray for those who are sick or dying because of dirty water.

We give thanks for those who work in the water industry, who deal with sewage, who supply us with clean water - the technicians, engineers, pipelayers... all those who work for [Anglian Water - or name other area water authority.]

We give thanks for those who monitor the cleanliness of our beaches.
We remember all those who have died at sea.
We remember our own death and resurrection in the waters of baptism.

(From 'Work in Worship', Peterborough Diocese People and Work Programme)

Intercessions for Information Technology (Prayer)

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Lord, we pray for those making international and national decisions about the 'Information Super-Highway';
that the whole range of considerations - political, economic, personal, sectional, communal - may be properly taken into account.

Lord, we pray for those setting up and administering national data-banks; we give thanks for the good they can do in co-ordinating information. We remember those who misuse the information they hold.

Lord, we pray for those involved in Research and Development in computers; we remember the power and responsibility they have for making changes in our world and our lives. We remember those who have lost their jobs as a result of new technology.

Lord, we pray for those who have boring keyboard jobs, those who suffer from Repetitive Strain Injury, or eyestrain. We pray for willingness to deal with the causes of such problems.

Lord, we pray for those in small computing businesses; the difficulties they face in chasing creditors; the stress on them, the risks they have to take - perhaps even with their own homes.

Lord, we pray for those who write computer games: some which are used to do much good at school, others to encourage people to gamble, some which are used just to make money. We pray for those who are addicted to computer and arcade games, and for their families; and for those who are anxious about the violence of some computer games.

Lord, we pray for those frightened of computers and other sorts of new technology; those who feel they cannot master using them; those who feel old or who lose their confidence in the face of change and new things.

Lord, we pray that technology may be the servant, not the controller of our lives.

(From 'Work in Worship', Peterborough Diocese People and Work Programme)

Intercessions on the Theme of Vocation (Prayer)

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Remember how Jesus called fishermen to be his disciples and to become fishers of men. Give thanks for their skills as fishermen, their readiness to put out into the deep to face danger and failure.

Pray for ourselves and our daily work.

Give thanks for the God-given skills we already have; pray for wise and good use of these skills in building his kingdom.

Pray for those thinking about changing their jobs - especially those unhappy or insecure at work; those feeling undervalued or unfulfilled; those who can't wait for 5pm on Friday; those who are in the wrong job.

Pray for those with no sense of direction or purpose or vocation;
for those drifting;
for those wanting to do a particular job, but enable through disability, illness, lack of confidence or lack of opportunity;
for those who are unemployed.

Pray for those at school or college now making decisions which will affect their working lives.

Pray for all Careers Advisers.

Pray for those who taught us our jobs;
for our colleagues,
for our managers.

(From 'Work in Worship', Peterborough Diocese People and Work Programme.)

Let Us Pray for Those Who Hold Together the Life of This Community (Prayer)

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Let us pray for this community; for its officers and elected representatives, magistrates, police and social workers, all who have influence and authority and make decisions that affect the lives of others. Particularly let us pray for those who hold together community life in shops and offices, schools, churches and clinics, in homes and clubs and on the streets.

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for industrialists and employers coping with financial difficulties and forced to make decisions that affect the lives of so many.

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those whose work is dull and monotonous, and for those whose work is dangerous, or threatens their family life by difficult hours or enforced absence for long periods.

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Above all let us pray for those who cannot find work and for whom redundancy and unemployment undermines their confidence in themselves, and reduces life to dull monotony.

Lord in your mercy,
Accept our prayers and praises for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lord Through Our Work Help Us Use, Develop and Preserve the Resources of the Earth (Prayer)

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For the riches of your creation, giving us the material of the earth:
We thank you, Lord.

For human ability to unlock the secrets of nature and to develop science and technology:
We thank you, Lord.

For those engaged in scientific research, applying their skills to life-enhancing projects:
We thank you, Lord.

For agriculture, industry and commerce, providing work and wealth and goods for the world:
We thank you, Lord.

For all who work in transport and distribution, service industries and local government, that in giving service they may find reward:
Hear our prayer.

For those in management and the trade unions, that mutual respect and good relations may obtain:
Hear our prayer.

For the unemployed and the handicapped, that they may not lose hope, and may find a positive role in life:
Hear our prayer.

For young people at work, and those who educate and train them, that they may find promise and aspiration fulfilled:
Hear our prayer.

Lord the Creator, whose great goodness has provided for our needs; help us so to use, develop and preserve the resources of the earth that, through our science, technology and industry, the needs of all may be fulfilled, the dignity of all enhanced, and the well-being and safety of the planet ensured; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

God Gave Us Freedom to Squander or Invest His Gifts – May He Prosper the Work of Our Hands (Prayer)

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May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

God has given us freedom and strength to squander his gifts or invest them.
May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

God has given us talents and skills to multiply good in the world.
May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

God has given us various virtues to help build the life of the whole.
May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

God has shown us the way to true riches by the self-giving love of his Son.
May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

Heavenly Father, by your Son Jesus Christ you taught us that all that we have comes from your generosity. Help us to be faithful stewards of our time, our talents and our wealth; that by diligent pursuit of profit we may create prosperity, not for our ease alone, but for the building up of your kingdom of justice and peace, where you reign one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Let Us Pray for All Christians at Work, That They May Look on Their Employment As Ministry (Prayer)

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Lord, we remember
that work in industry is the principal way in which we provide for our material needs and the needs of others, and help to maintain our social services and leisure;
that work is for people, not people for work;
that money, machines and materials are things, while workers, suppliers and customers are people;
that in our type of society, those who cannot work feel their dignity is diminished;
that life is more than work.

Let us thank God
for the gift of life and the resources of the world;
for our share in the continuing work of creation;
for human skill and inventiveness, enterprise and hard work.

Let us bless the Lord:
Thanks be to God.

Let us thank God
for industry, commerce and administration and its many products of food, transport, roads, houses, clothing, medicines, machines, fresh water, sewage disposal, heat and light, milk and mail;
for those who work to maintain the fabric of our community, in shops, offices, factories and farms.

Let us thank God
for engineers and technologists, for technicians and sales people, for those who work in finances, and industrial research and development;
for those who plan and manage;
for the principal organisations of industry, for companies, for professional associations, for employers' organisations and the trade unions.

Let us bless the Lord:
Thanks be to God.

Let us thank God
that we are made in the image of his Son;
called to share in his reconciling work, called to resist evil, to transform nature and to proclaim his concern for people.

Let us bless the Lord:
Thanks be to God.

Let us thank God
for those who are not employed but still contribute to the life and well-being of society - for housewives, the retired, the disabled, the unemployed, and children.

Let us bless the Lord:
Thanks be to God.

Let us pray
for those who seek work but cannot find it;
for those who over-work and neglect others;
for those who should work but avoid it;
for those who do work but resent it;
for those who exploit work and demean it.

Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.

Let us pray
for efficient production, honest marketing and responsible use of resources;
for the unemployed, their families and other victims of economic forces;
for more justice in the sharing of the world's goods in our own community and between nations;

Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.

Let us pray
for all Christians at work, that they may look on their employment as ministry and feel supported in it by their local church;
for the whole world, as it faces the challenge of change and the impact of new technologies.

Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.

For the Potential You Have Given Us and the Possibilities That Lies Before Us, We Thank You (Prayer)

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For the potential you have given us
For the possibilities that lies before us
We thank you, heavenly Father.

For our plans and their fulfilment
For your promises and their enjoyment
We thank you, heavenly Father.

In the problems that await us
In the perils that will meet us
Protect us, heavenly Father.

In the pains of our achievements
In the powers that would control us
Protect us, heavenly Father.

In our purposes and leisure
In our passions and our pleasure
Protect us, heavenly Father.

(David Adam 'Power Lines')

Instill in Each of Us at Our Work New Attitudes to Your Economy (Prayer)

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Lord of all creation, alive in the health and wealth of your world,
You invest in humanity a profound trusteeship.
Instill in each of us at our work new attitudes to your economy,
That we may generate wealth, distribute it with justice and enhance the well-being and common good of communities and nations;
while renewing the capacity of this awesome earth;
through Jesus Christ, our example and our living Lord.

(Peter Challen)

Enable Us to Develop the Economy of This Nation (Prayer)

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Almighty God, you have made us in your own image
and given us power over the rest of your creation.
Enable us to develop the economy of this nation
In a way suited to the needs of its people.
Provide, we pray, the financial resources required.
Help us to make good use of all our human resources,
to develop the land with crops and livestock,
and to plan wisely in industry and commerce.
Show us the dangers we face in our current practices
and help us to learn from our mistakes.
May we not impoverish our country,
destroy its natural wealth and beauty,
pollute its environment,
or lose sight of you;
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.


(Adapted from 'Prayers for Today' by W N Richards and J Richardson, Uzima Press, Nairobi 1977)

God, Inspire All Decision Makers to Be Responsible to Stakeholders (Prayer)

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Almighty God, creator and sustainer of all things, Inspire all who are in positions of authority and responsibility in every aspect of industry and commerce, that they may be aware of their responsibilities in all their decision-making, not only for justice towards their customers, their suppliers, their fellow employees and their shareholders, but for the well-being of the wider community. May they also remember their responsibility for stewardship of all the resources you have given us in your creation; this we ask through Jesus Christ, your Son our Lord.

(James Siddons)

Endow Us With Wisdom to Use Your Resources to Create Wealth for All People (Prayer)

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O God, the creator of the universe and for all the resources therein;
endow us with the wisdom and will to use them to our best ability to create wealth for the benefit of all communities and peoples.
Keep us from the temptation to divert them for personal gain only;
rather may we ensure a more equitable distribution to all humankind.
Keep us from abdicating our responsibilities to others and make us truly accountable for all our activities, not least to you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

(Fred Bonner)

O God, You Sent Moses to Help Those Required to Make Bricks Without Straw (Prayer)

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O God, our freedom,
who sent Moses to those required to make bricks without straw,
Help us to empower those who are overloaded by oppressive contracts or conditions of work,
that they may share in the freedom of your good purposes,
and may know once again the dignity of those made in your image;
through Jesus Christ whose work was to restore our full humanity.

(Ian Yearsley)

We Give Thanks for the Fellowship of Every Place Where Work Is Shared (Prayer)

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O Christ, whose risen presence gave abundance to the everyday task of the disciples at Tiberias,
We give thanks for the fellowship of every place where work is shared.
We pray that all may know that they share in your creative task,
in fellowship with you and one another.

(Ian Yearsley - adapted)

We Pray for the Early-Retired, Those Made Redundant or Whose Businesses Have Collapsed (Prayer)

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O God, our companion in the wilderness,
we pray for the early-retired, those made redundant or whose businesses have collapsed,
that they may find new opportunities to labour, and a new sense of their own value.

(Ian Yearsley adapted)

May Our Work Fulfill Our Needs and the Needs of Others (Prayer)

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Thank you for the abundance of your creation,
For our part in making and shaping it.
May our work fulfill our needs and the needs of others,
Through it, may we be able to enjoy our lives and give joy to others.

(Pam Ware)

Thank You for Work Which Fills Our Days and Tests Our Mettle (Prayer)

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Thank you for rest and play,
but above all for our work,
which gives us purpose,
fills our days,
tests our mettle,
develops our skills.
Thank you for shared endeavour,
which binds us together,
breaks down boundaries,
enhances our achievements.

(Tony Lucas - adapted)

Thank You for Those Whose Ambitions Are Matched by Integrity (Prayer)

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Father, we offer you our human enterprises,
with all their aspirations,
with all their failures.
Thank you for those whose ambitions are matched by integrity, who strive for justice as well as their own advancement.
Thank you for those whose long-range vision eschews short term solutions.
For those who reject conventional wisdom and speak unpopular truths.

(John Cribb - adapted)

Lord of This World, We Work, We Watch, We Wait for You (Prayer)

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Lord of this world
We work
We watch
We wait for you.
Come down
Come in
Come among us.

Lord of this life
We labour
We look
We long for you.
Come down
Come in
Come among us.

Lord of this second
We strive
We serve
We search for you.
Come down
Come in
Come among us.

That we may dwell in you
And you in us
For ever.

(David Adam)

In The Light of The City at Night (Prayer)

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The Spirit is suffering, striving, creating,
Blessings, guidance and fierce and tender love
for those who wake while others sleep:
on night shifts in factories…
watching over buildings…
traveling through the city…
cleaning offices…
stocking supermarket shelves;;;
in ambulances, police cars, fire engines…
observing and researching…
alert of power stations and waterworks…
at telephone exchanges…
at parties and night clubs…
driving taxis, buses, coaches, trains…
flying over the city in planes…
speeding by the city on motorways…
thieving and attacking in the dark…
searching out the secrets of others…
hustling and walking the streets…
huddling in doorways…
listening to those in despair…
crying out in loneliness…
suddenly taken ill…
trying to sleep but cannot…
restless and awake in hospital…
coping with crises…
watching and caring…
awake with young children…
calming the confused…
dying at home, in hospice or hospital…
keeping vigil with them...
… and those on the other side of the world for whom it is day.

(c. Jim Cotter)

Lord We Pray That People May Increasingly Work Together in Agreement (Prayer)

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Lord we pray,
That people may increasingly work together in agreement,
doing things which are sane to do,
with mutual helpfulness and tolerance;

That the great masses of humanity
may rise out of dwarfing pressures and cramped surroundings
To understanding and participation;

That the resources of the earth
may be husbanded and harvested,
economised and used
with scientific skill for the maximum of human benefit;

That towns and cities may be finely built
and men and women finely taught and trained;

That there may be open ways
and peace and freedom
from end to end of the earth;

That through the great body of humankind
may go evermore
an increasing common understanding,
an intensifying fellowship. Amen.

(Prayers for the City of God - slightly adapted)

Open to Us a Clearer Prospect of Our Work (Prayer)

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Behold, O Lord God, our strivings after a truer and more abiding order.
Give us visions that bring glory to the earth, and dreams that foreshadow the better order which Thou hast prepared for us.
Scatter every excuse of frailty and unworthiness:
consecrate us all with a heavenly mission;
open to us a clearer prospect of our work.
Give us strength according to our day gladly to welcome our tasks and gratefully to fulfill them;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Bishop Westcott - adapted)

O Christ, the Master Carpenter, Wield Well Your Tools (Prayer)

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O Christ, the Master Carpenter,
who at the last through wood and nails purchased our whole salvation;
wield well your tools in the workshop of your world,
so that we who come rough-hewn to your work bench may be fashioned to a truer beauty by your hand.

God You Have Created Us to Depend on One Another (Prayer)

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O God of all power and all love,
you have created us to depend on one another.
Make us aware of our reliance on the work and integrity of our fellows.
Make us sensitive to their needs and their requirement of us,
and by your grace enable us to serve them faithfully and wisely.
Father, we commit our lives to your service;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God Has Given Us Talents and Skills to Multiply Good in the World (Prayer)

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May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

God has given us freedom and strength
To invest his gifts or squander them.

May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

God has given us talents and skills
To multiply good in the world:

May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

God has shown us the way to true riches
By the self-giving love of his Son.

May the goodness of God be upon us:
May he prosper the work of our hands.

God, Who Ordained That Your Son Jesus Christ Should Labor With His Hands (Prayer)

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Almighty God,
who ordained that your Son Jesus Christ should labour with his hands
to supply his own needs and the needs of others;
teach us that no labour is without worth
and that all labour to which you call us in divine;
to the glory of your holy name.

Let Us Pray for the World of Technology and Scientific Research (Prayer)

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Let us pray for the world of technology and scientific research.

Lord, you have endowed human beings with the ability to search out your laws
and have given them the freedom to apply their knowledge as they choose.
We ask your blessing on all engaged in scientific research and technology
and on those who provide the resources for such work;
that choice may be made of projects
which both enhance human life and have regard to the safety and well-being of the natural order.
May we thus be true stewards of your bounty,
to our own inner satisfaction and your greater glory.

(David Welbourn)

We Pray for Those Forced by Necessity to Work on Projects They Oppose (Prayer)

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We remember that there are some who find themselves working on projects whose value they doubt or whose likely outcome they disapprove.
Help them, Lord, to decide whether to stay on in the hope of effecting change or whether to leave.
Especially we pray for those forced by economic necessity to remain in uncongenial work.
May they know your forgiveness,
and may the world of science and technology be ever open to your redeeming Spirit,
that your will may be fulfilled in all that we do.

(David Welbourn)

For All Who Are Working, Help Us As We Work (Prayer)

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We pray for all who are working today; be with them at home, in the city, in the factory and in the fields.
Lord, help us as we work.

We pray for all who plan and build our cities; give them respect for every human value.
Lord, help us as we work.

Pour out your Spirit on artists, craftsmen and musicians; may their work bring variety, joy and inspiration to our lives.
Lord, help us as we work.

We pray for those who have no work; we pray for the disabled and the sick, for those who cannot find work, and for those who are retired.
Father, give them your strength.

(Phil Aspinall - adapted)