Thanksgiving Prayers About Work

Worship / Produced by partner of TOW

These Prayers of Thanksgiving are part of "Work in Worship," a collection of material for work-themed services compiled by David Welbourn. What follows are a variety of Thanksgiving Prayers about work.

Thank You for the Chance to Share in Creation Through The Work of Hand and Brain (Prayer)

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Lord of the Universe, we praise you for your creation, for the wonders of space, the beauty of the world, the value of the earth's resources, and the skills of hand and brain which enrich our lives.

We thank you for humanity in all its diversity, for the unique individuality of every child, woman and man, for the gathered communities of home, work and leisure; of village, city and nation.

We thank you for offering us the chance to share in creation through the work of hand and brain; for the opportunity to plan and design, to manufacture and grow, to service and conserve, and to care for one another in the places where we work.

We thank you for giving us special gifts and responsibilities, for enabling us to stand upright and make choices, for presenting us with opportunities to promote justice and truth.

And because he shared with us our humanity and our world, we thank you for the gift of your Son Jesus Christ, our beginning and our end, who carried out your work to your praise and glory and for the renewal of your creation. So we make our prayer to you in his name, who died and rose again for us. Amen

Thank You for the Hidden Forces of Nature Illuminated by Scientific Discovery (Prayer)

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Let us give celebrate today the providence of God and the gift of work.
We give thanks to you, God our Father, Maker of the universe,
for the unity and order of created things;
for the resources of the earth;
for the gift of human life;
for our share in the continuing work of creation.

O Creator and Lord of all, we thank you for the hidden forces of nature now brought within our control by scientific discovery. We thank you for creative vision and inventiveness, and for the different abilities and skills which you have given us and which we use in daily work. Help us to use all your gifts wisely and faithfully, for the benefit of humankind, that all may rejoice in your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We thank you for humanity in all its diversity, for the unique individuality of every child, woman and man, for the gathered communities of home, work and leisure, of village, city and nation.

We thank you for the work of hand and mind; for the opportunity to plan and design, to manufacture and grow, to service and conserve, and to care for one another in the places where we work.

Above all we thank you for your Son Jesus Christ, who carried out your work to your praise and glory and for the renewal of your creation. We make our prayer to you in his name, who died and rose again for us. Amen.

We Praise You for Our Skills and for the Opportunity to Meet the Needs of Others (Prayer)

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Almighty God, we praise you for all your gifts to us in creation. We acknowledge the skills with which we have been endowed, the materials available for our use and the opportunities to meet the needs of others. We thank you for what agriculture, industry, commerce and local government have achieved and for their contribution to our lives. May our gratitude to you be plain in all we do. Help us to use all your gifts wisely and for the good of all, in the knowledge that through our daily work we contribute to your loving purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let us Thank God for Hard Work and for the People Who Do It (Prayer)

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Let us thank God
for the gift of life and the resources of the world;
for our share in the continuing work of creation;
for human skill and inventiveness, enterprise and hard work;
for industry, commerce and administration and its many products of food, transport, roads, houses, clothing, medicines, machines, fresh water, sewage disposal.

Let us thank God
that we are made in the image of his Son, called to share in his reconciling work; to resist evil, transform nature and to proclaim his concern for people;
for those who work to maintain the fabric of our community, in shops, offices, factories and farms;
for engineers and technologists, for technicians and sales people, for those who work in finance and research and development, and for those who plan and manage;
for those who provide food and water, heat and light, milk and mail;
for those who are not employed but still contribute - housewives, the retired, the disabled and children;
for the principal organizations of industry, for companies, for professional associations, for employers' organizations and trade unions.

Lord We Offer You Thanks for the Benefits of Working Life (Prayer)

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O Lord God Almighty, we offer you thanks for the chance to work, for the benefits of working life, for the opportunity to create and add value, to improve the quality of life by meeting the needs of others.

O Lord accept our thanks:
Accept our heartfelt thanks.

We are thankful for those occasions of solid achievement, for the ability to produce, for the opportunity to serve others' needs, and to change our methods of work.

O Lord accept our thanks:
Accept our heartfelt thanks.

We are grateful for previous generations who laid the foundations of our society, for the facilities that educate and train us for the future, and for all those who care for our present welfare.

O Lord accept our thanks:
Accept our heartfelt thanks.

We have relished the chances to deepen our relationships with colleagues at work, to welcome newcomers, to be open to all, and to be present at meetings.

O Lord accept our thanks:
Accept our heartfelt thanks.

Thanks for the Work We Are Enabled to Do and for the Truth We Are Permitted to Learn (Prayer)

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For the beauty of the earth,
The raw materials that come from it,
And the mystery of life and growth.
We thank you O God.
For science and craftsmanship,
For skill and patience,
And for the opportunity of serving our fellows.
We thank you O God.

For the work we are enabled to do,
For the truth we are permitted to learn,
For whatever good there has been in our lives,
And for hopes and resolves which lead us to better things.
We thank you O God.

For home and family,
For friends and fellowship,
And for all the happiness in life.
We thank you O God.

For These and All Good Things We Give Thanks (Prayer)

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Let us give thanks to God for all the good things of life; for the world in which we live; and the universe beyond it.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Let us give thanks for those who through the ages have pioneered along new paths of thought and knowledge, opening human minds to new adventures of truth.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Let us give thanks for the heritage of our common life, for wise government and good laws, for education, art, science and technology, and all their benefits to us.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Let us give thanks for the comforts and pleasures of life, for our homes and our friends, for goodwill and companionship; for the help, sympathy and advice of those who are wiser than ourselves.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Let us give thanks for this community, for what we owe to industry and to the commercial life of this [village] and to all who have helped build it up.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Let us give thanks for those on whose work we depend for the necessities of life, all those engaged in industry, whether manufacturing goods or providing services, and in commerce.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Let us give thanks for all those scientists and doctors whose researches and devoted work have bettered the health of the human race, and those who today in hospitals and laboratories fight to free us from disease.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Let us give thanks for all who have helped lighten the load of drudgery at work and at home, and who have enriched the possibilities of our leisure time.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Let us give thanks for men and women of all ages who have worked to improve the quality of human life.

For these and all good things, we give thanks.

Thank You for Those Who Value Unpaid Work (Prayer)

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Thank you, Lord, that you turn the values of the world on their head. What people call great, so often in your eyes is little, or mean. In what many call little, you see greatness, and eternal value. Thank you for people involved in looking again at what work is, what it means to be creative and how we can make a difference in the world, in our neighbourhood, in our families - without necessarily getting paid for it.

Especially we pray for retired people and those bringing up families at home.

We give you thanks for all the creative projects that have been set up to help the unemployed....

We give you thanks for all who have seized the chance to do some worthwhile and creative work while they have waited for a paid job. Amen.