We Believe in a Loving God Whose Work Sustains Our Lives (Prayer)

Prayer / Produced by TOW Project


We believe in a loving God
whose Work sustains our lives
and the work of our hands in the universe.
For he is Life.

We believe in his Son among us
who brought the seed of life’s renewal.
He lived with the poor to show the meaning of love;
He is the Lord.

We believe in the Spirit of Life,
who makes us one with God;
Whose strength and energy renews our fight
for she is Love.

We believe in the Church of God
at the service of all people,
so that we may see the truth on earth;
She bears his Word.

We believe in this new life
which bread and wine give to us,
to work for God in unity.
this is our glory.

We believe in everlasting life
and the future of a new world,
where the word of God will be the truth to all
in Christ our Lord.