We Pray for Teachers and All People Involved in Education (Prayer)

Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW

Father God, in the power of the Holy Spirit we bring our concerns and worries about education and all people involved in this work.

Father God, we give you thanks for:
our education system
all teachers
all who work in education
the joys of teaching.

We pray that all who are involved will use their skill wisely, feel themselves to be valued and help the students in their care to learn and grow.

Father God, we remember the work of teachers, the men and women who have trained hard, and now use their skills in educating others. We acknowledge their work, and we want to understand the joys, the stresses and the strains they feel in their daily work.

Father God, we pray for:
dedicated teachers
teachers who feel inadequate or stressed.

Lord God, we remember all these people in their various tasks; give them strength, courage and a sense of purpose in teaching.

Father God, we pray for:
struggling or unsupported teachers
teachers who feel overwhelmed by their workload.

Lord God, we remember all these people in their various tasks; give them peace, joy and a sense of purpose in their teaching.

Father God, we pray for teachers in:
special needs schools
infant and junior schools
secondary schools
colleges and universities
adult education.

Lord God, we remember of these people in their various tasks; give them energy, commitment and a sense of purpose in their work.

Father God, we pray for:
Schools learning how to be responsible for their own budgets
Governors learning how best to support and motivate school workers
Head teachers trying to motivate themselves and others
Teachers whom we know personally.

Lord God, we remember of these people in their various tasks; give them awareness, sensitivity and a sense of purpose in their work.

Father God, we pray for:
People training to be teachers
People considering a career in education.

Lord God, we remember all these people in their various situations, give them a clear sense of direction.

Lord, we know that teaching can be a thankless task. Help us to be aware of the needs of those who have the responsibility for educating others. May we as a community be supportive and caring, offering a listening ear and practical concern whenever we can; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(c. Barbara A Scott ‘Shaping Prayer’, Methodist Publishing House 1996)